Discover Tijuana through its people
Podcast to Learn Spanish ► Living in Tijuana, Mexico
Welcome to our community! CAD Weekly is a Podcast to Learn Spanish, and much more. This project was the direct result of our need to communicate with our community in Tijuana and other parts of the world.
Here you’ll get to know our culture through People of Tijuana (living in Tijuana or natives of Tijuana). The great thing about this podcast is that Tijuana receives people from all over the world.
Meet Joe, for example, he’s practicing his Spanish with us
From Latin America, all the way to people coming from Europe and Asia. Welcome to the upper corner of Mexico, Tijuana.
Free Podcast to Learn Spanish on Spotify
Are you a video or audio person? Whatever might be the case, we have the right Podcast dose for you. If you feel video is your thing, you’ll have the YouTube channel (personally I prefer watching who’s talking).
However, some days will be busier than others, that’s why you’ll have our Podcast on Spotify, so you can take us everywhere you go.
Spanish Classes Online
What if we shared with you a new way to learn Spanish? More than just a course, in CAD we love when our Guides (Teachers) invest themselves into a class, video, Ebook, Booklet for you.
Here you’ll get Spanish vocabulary, structured Spanish video classes, Podcast immersion with early access, Spanish phrases for beginners and more.
Inside this course you’ll get all the content you see below only for $50 USD.
The formula is simple, you pay only once, you get everything you see below AND new content soon. Our goal in CAD is to make education accessible to everyone. See you inside.
Podcast to Learn Spanish with many topics to choose
As we said before, you’ll encounter content about languages, culture, personal development, business and many more topics. The goal is for you to discover the real Tijuana, through the eyes of creatives, professionals, entrepreneurs and interesting people that conforms our city.
And of course, the aim of this podcast is for you to learn Spanish and practice your listening skills.
Also, for us is very important to hear your voice, opinions and experiences within our city or with the Spanish language. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to share your story with other Spanish learners.
Beginner spanish podcast
We have HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of episodes to choose from. Some of them are completely in Spanish, if you’re a beginner, try starting out with our Short Stories in Spanish.
To use a podcast to learn Spanish requires at least a B1 proficiency level for you to understand what’s going on, however, nowadays in YouTube you can slow down the speed of the conversation, try it out.
Meet Maggie, another Member Learning Spanish with us, at the bottom of the video you’ll find YouTube’s Settings tab, there you’ll find a speed feature you can customize.
Podcast in Spanish for intermediate and advanced
This is it, if you’ve reached this point where you need Spanish content in order to train your ear, you’ve come to THE PERFECT place. A quick reminder, if you want to practice with natives, remember you can get practice Spanish classes, where you’ll be PRODUCING Spanish through conversation.
Most of our episodes are FAST, or at least that’s the feedback we’ve had from our Spanish learning Members. So, for sure you’ll have A LOT of content to practice your listening skills.
Would you like to learn Spanish with us
So, we have the podcast in the Spanish language for your listening skills, and a lot of the times there are people who get interested on starting this journey. Here are 3 things we feel sharing with you before starting out:
1. It’s an amazing journey IF you are open to try new things. Our method is to try the best method for you. If something doesn’t work for you, it’ll make sense to pivot into some other way. If that makes sense to you, we’re on the right path.
2. Part of our philosophy is that education should be customized, tailored to the person taking the course. However, the best way to start speaking or writing Spanish is to practice, keep that in mind, because you’ll be invited to language exchange events. Use that opportunity!
3. As long as it takes, we’ll keep guiding you in the process. For some Members it may take half or 1 year, to create a good dynamic and see progress, but for some others, it can take up to 2-3 years, there are a lot of variables that affect your learning process.
However, we will keep trying if you keep trying, we can do this!
Best podcast to learn spanish
Like I told you before, you have other options. We have a Free Spanish crash course where you can learn Spanish with videos and audios. You can access anytime, anywhere and even leave your questions, there you’ll have Spanish Guides to help you out. Click below.